

welcome to my blog. i ramble about books and comics that i like and how they’ve affected me as a writer. have a nice visit! and say hello :)

The Forgotten Child - Photo Challenge

The Forgotten Child - Photo Challenge

Earlier this year I got the chance to read an unpublished book for review. Since then, the Melissa Jackson has decided to self-publish and in August she's got the cover reveal planned (it's really good, y'all). As a lead-up, she's got this instagram photo challenge going on. I plan to participate. And if you want to as well jump on that hashtag (#TFC_PhotoChallenge and more for each day) and let's have some fun. You can follow me there @snoelr.

I CANNOT wait to talk about this book once it's available to all of you. I knew as I was reading it that several of my friends would find it delightfully spooky and right up their alley in the thriller genre.

Let's have some fun and stay tuned on August 20th for the big reveal! It's gonna be great :)

The Princess Diarist

The Princess Diarist

A Court of Frost and Starlight

A Court of Frost and Starlight